JEAN-PIERRE DUCATEZ Photographer, creator of images.
Researcher in photography and iconography ancients.
Born in Paris in 1941, he photographs since the 50s and resides in la Butte Montmartre.
Author independent, he receives the Niepce Prize for photography in 1969. Directs the Photolibrary Ducatez - Photovisualbank, image bank recognized for the quality of its visuels.
Manages the specialized services and websites on the image of Ducatez.
Jean-Pierre Ducatez has directed or been part of many professional organizations such as ANPPM "Association Nationale des Photographes de Publicité et de Mode - National association of advertising and fashion photographers" of which he became Président, l'ASMP "American Society of Media Photographers" or the Copyright syndicate "Syndicat National des Agences Photographiques d'IIlustration Générale - National union of photographic agencies of general iIlustration".
He is or has been an active member of many photographic cenacles, since, the Club des 30x40, Les Gens d'images,
la Société française de photographie, till the current experimental groups. To better promote the Heritage in images of all epochs, he actively participates in its preservation,study and appreciation in partnership with the Centre for Study and Research on the image : Patrimoine-Image.
Jean-Pierre Ducatez has always associated with his nonconformist a fecund imagination to constantly grasp or create new images at the whim of days.